Thursday, September 2, 2010


I'm glad to announce officially I will be taking part in the Ianimate course. At the moment i'm aiming to start from zero and go for Sem1, but I still need to discuss this with Jason Ryan and see what he thinks.

The other thing is that now thins seem to be slowly moving forward. I've met a lot of the people from the course (online of course) and we're all a happy and enthusiastic bunch, from newbies to experts, all a happy colorful collage. Also my website is now up, is a provisional version of what I would like the website to be for definite. Is work in progress but better than nothing....

so please feel free to head towards and watch the latest reel (part of the ianimate submission, with lots of work in progress).

Glad to be back in the blogging world!! :D :D

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